Personal Growth Plan

#3 Kirkland Running (Banner Photo)


            When leaders step into a room, the atmosphere shifts, and organizations are transformed both directly and indirectly. Every leader carries influence, and it is that influence that can change the world. In the book, The Making of a Leader by, J. Robert Clinton (2012) articulates six development phases of a leader: sovereign foundations, inner life growth, ministry maturing, life maturing, convergence, and afterglow. Overall, “God develops a leader over a lifetime. That development is a function of the use of events and people to impress leadership lessons upon a leader (processing), time, and leader response” (Clinton, 2012, p. 22). Throughout my time in the Masters in Leadership program at Azusa Pacific University, my foundation in leadership was solidified by five competencies: responsible influencer, inspiring developer, strategic mobilizer, change agent, and principled decision-maker. It is that sovereign foundation that will launch me into greater personal growth as a higher education admission professional, Gallup certified strengths coach, and Kingdom-minded leadership consultant.

Higher Education Admissions Professionals

           Across higher education, undergraduate enrollment continues to be a challenge and it is essential for admissions offices to both creative and collaborative in their approach to college recruitment. Although these challenges are critical, having a servant leadership approach amidst a transactional culture is empowered through Kingdom values in the workplace. Being able to cultivate these values both personally and professionally has the potential to develop a culture of Kingdom-minded admissions professionals. Considering that a student’s four years in college are some of the most foundational years of their life, their college decision-making process could be either full of faith or fear. Therefore, admissions professionals have the opportunity to come alongside these students and families during such a vulnerable time to face these pressures and anticipate miraculous moments out of the mundane. In the next year, I plan to develop as a Kingdom-minded admissions professional by creating an admissions journal, presenting at conferences, launching creative forms of recruitment, and continuing research on the effectiveness of the Memorandum of Understanding.

           Create an Admissions Journal (Responsible Influencer). As I continue to develop as an admissions professional, my goal is to create and maintain a journal of admissions testimonies and stories weekly to help empower an admissions culture of remembering purpose and pursuit throughout the journey. In Benedictine tradition lectio, reflective reading aligns wholeness to the eternal will of God calling attention to Scripture and prayer that transforms values through deep reflection as a person’s heart sinks into the storyline of God in history (Chittister, 2013). As we reflect on God’s character and who He is in our lives, we start to connect with His heart, and it begins to shape our lives empowering our motives. In addition, reading the Bible in a lectio posture, journaling becomes a written record and account of our lives as a resource and reminder of the promises of God and our identity in Him. The Lord says in Habakkuk 2:2, “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” Having a posture on constant reflection connects us to the heart of the Father and the character of God as a reminder that He is with us and for us. These stories and testimonies will be recorded in a journaling application, and at the end of each work, I will get a reminder to journal about the day. At the end of my admissions career, I will be rewarded with a library of stories that will be a celebration of my career as an admissions professional.

           Presenting at SCCCU and NACCAP Conferences (Responsible Influencer). In addition, I hope to prepare presentations to present at the next Southern Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (SCCCU) and North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals (NACCAP) conferences. These opportunities will lead to becoming a credible resource in higher education spheres and provide ongoing context to train and equip Kingdom mined admissions professionals. Furthermore, by rewriting and reorganizing my presentation on becoming a Kingdom-minded admissions professional, I will have the content necessary for writing up a proposal to present at these various conferences. As a result, I will be able to develop my research and learning on how to develop a Kingdom culture in the workplace, publish presentations for professional and organizational development, experience presenting at large conferences, and leave a legacy of being a Kingdom-minded admissions professional.

           Create a Proposal for Alumni, Faculty/Staff, and Parent Recruitment (Strategic Mobilizer). Moving forward, I want to be the admissions counselor who developed the culture of Alumni Recruitment and the legacy of launching the most strategically mobilizing initiative in Graduate and Undergraduate Enrollment. Therefore, one of my goals is to create a formal proposal for alumni, faculty/staff, and parent recruitment for Undergraduate Admissions. Most alumni do not have the financial resources to give back to the university, but many have the time, experience, and love for the university to be willing to give back. In addition, this would create an opportunity for Alumni to network, connect, and build affinity in their local regions in a way that could encourage future meet-up groups. Finally, it becomes a tangible way to recruit students effectively and efficiently without being in out-of-area regions. As a result of launching this initiative, I will be able to transition out of Azusa Pacific University with the experience and legacy of launching Alumni, Faculty/Staff, and Parent recruitment that will be sustainable beyond my children’s time in college. Also, I could potentially become an alumni liaison, which could potentially lead to a promotion. Then as I transition to the next season of my personal growth, I will be able to look back at my time at Azusa Pacific University knowing that I left it better than how I started because of this tangible initiative.

           Continue Research on The Effectiveness of the MOU (Change Agent). Another one of my goals is to continue research on the effectiveness of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) focusing on application to enrollment yield. By completing a full research report on the effectiveness of the Memorandum of Understanding throughout the entire admissions cycle will present clear quantifiable and qualifiable data for decision making. Also, it would develop a clear understanding of all aspects, elements, and factors of potential outreach with and through the Memorandum of Understanding partnerships with local school districts. As a result, I will be able to finalize a completed research report and start creating a culture of data-driven decision-making in the admissions cycle for future principled decision-making. My dream for the next year is to step into greater leadership in the admissions profession and leave a legacy at Azusa Pacific University of strengthening the culture of Kingdom-minded, data-driven, and community-engaging admissions professionals.

Gallup Certified Strengths Coach

           Due to many challenges in the workplace, there is a call for leaders to be developers committed to coming alongside others as effective coaches who empowers them to live out their full potential. According to Gallup’s “State of the American Workplace” (2017) report, “three in ten U.S. employees strongly agree that there is someone at work who encourages their development” and that lack of development is the No. 1 reason employees leave their job (p. 110). Therefore, leadership development is typically an unwritten set of expectations that workers anticipate, and coaching is one way that managers could be a developer who increases value, development, and productivity. Overall, in the next three years, I plan to fully launch Isozaki Coaching Company, develop a reproducible cross-disciplinary Gallup Strengths Coaching and leadership development programs, read and apply Gallup Strengths book resources, and create a coaching contract.

           Isozaki Coaching Company (Inspiring Developer). At the start of 2019, I will launch the Isozaki Coaching Company, a platform for leadership development through articles and Gallup Strengths Coaching. As I set forth in my pursuit to believe in people and invite them into a better story, I am excited to learn more about Gallup Strengths and launch Isozaki Coaching Company, which will consist of providing and developing reproducible cross-disciplinary coaching and leadership development as an inspiring developer. Having the opportunity and platform will leverage the opportunity to coach different people and organizations. In addition, I will be able to fully develop a coaching website that will consist of starting a blog that could be utilized for content that could eventually lead to writing a book about the integration of knowing, being, and doing through MBTI, Enneagram, and Strengths. Having a website to refer clients to for coaching and leadership development and an online resume and platform could lead to many cross-disciplinary coaching opportunities in the future.

           Coaching Contract for Isozaki Coaching Company (Principled Decision Maker). As a coach, it is important to prioritize creating and regularly reevaluating a coaching contract for the Isozaki Coaching Company before launching organizational and personal coaching sessions. Having a clear ethical code of conduct for running the Isozaki Coaching Company is essential for serving clients with integrity and responsibility. In addition, developing a Coaching Contract provides clear expectations ethically, financially, and logistically in and throughout all coaching sessions. Having a tangible contract is foundational for the liability and functionality of the coaching company, which articulates clear and consistent expectations for all coaching sessions.

           Gallup Strengths Book Resources (Inspiring Developer). As a lifelong learner and Gallup Strengths Coach, I want to start reading and applying at least one Gallup Strengths book every month. Learning more about the diversity of Gallup resources will eventually lead to applying that content to coaching sessions with various clients such as educators, managers, young professionals, parents, and churches. Broadening and accessing knowledge of Gallup Strengths through various resources throughout the Gallup Library will lead to effective and efficient application. Continually learning through these various Gallup Coaching Resources will lead to becoming an expert in a particular area of study. Overall, developing mastering in the Gallup Strengths Coaching field and framework will lead to developing a practical skill that can become beneficial in any and all contexts all over the world.

           Cross-Disciplinary Gallup Strengths and Leadership Programs (Inspiring Developer). In addition to launching that platform, I plan on developing a reproducible cross-disciplinary Gallup Strengths Coaching and Leadership Development Program. Developing an effective training program could be recruited to travel to various corporate organizations for leadership development and coaching. While in the more recent future, having a tangible curated training program that can be utilized in Undergraduate Admissions could eventually lead to a promotion. Overall the development of that training program will begin internally within UG Admissions to increase motivation and determination to effectively meet enrollment goals. In other spheres, utilizing a leadership development program could lead to an increase in retention and meet the needs of anticipated and expected leadership development in the workplace. Furthermore, I will tangibly publish that leadership training with copyrights as well as learn how to go through the legal processes of publishing and licensing materials. Finally, as a result of these cross-disciplinary programs, I hope to lead the charge and conversations for empowering leaders to have greater integration in their vocational capacity for maximum Kingdom contribution in their organizations.

Kingdom Minded Leadership Consultant

           Understanding vocation and calling in a changing world comes with a commitment to unapologetically pursue God wholeheartedly and allowing Him to be an anchor amidst the temptations of culture. If leadership is influence, people have the opportunity to either empower the potential in others or manipulate their identity. Knowing God is the beginning of knowing self and it is a commitment that provides individuals with a clear understanding of who they are and whose they are as a child of God. Matthew 5:13 speaks to the influential identity of a leader, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot” (New International Version). Salt itself is a natural influencer and by being what it was created to be, maintains its purpose. In five years, becoming a Kingdom-minded leadership consultant would allow me to live out my passion to make disciples and see people experience the Kingdom of Heaven in their workplace.

           Curriculum on Becoming a Kingdom-Minded Professional (Responsible Influencer). Becoming a Kingdom-minded leadership consultant starts with developing a series of reproducible cross-disciplinary curriculum on being a Kingdom-Minded Professional. First, I will need to learn how to integrate utilizing curriculum to help disciple and develop people in job crafting and seeing the Kingdom Come in their workplace. As a result, more people will become passionate leaders who will focus on developing the church to live out Kingdom Values in their workplace and creating a Kingdom Culture. Finally, I will be living out my passion for developing people to become influencers for the Kingdom of Heaven across various spheres while cultivating Kingdom Culture in every moment and situation in and through our lives.

           Creating a Board of Advisors (Strategic Mobilizer). As I move forward in building Isozaki Coaching Company, I want to create a board of advisors, sponsors, and mentors who will strategically mobilize me into various situations, pruning, and elevation. Having a board of advisors will help me take on huge leaps forward in my coaching career. In addition, developing a regular rhythm of leadership development and coaching opportunities because of the connections and resources provided by my board. Furthermore, I will be enabled to make ethical and wise decisions while growing in wisdom as I learn from these various mentors. Gaining a trusted group of leaders who will support me and empower me in my future pursuits as a coach and individual will lead to an abundance of wisdom from mentors whose ceiling can become my foundational launching pad. Cultivating close relationships who will become a lifetime tribe of mentors who will become resources for the destiny that God has in my life.

           Performance Tracker for Non-negotiables (Change Agent). Every organization has a conscious or unconscious set of non-negotiables needing to be tracked. I want to develop a performance tracker for non-negotiable characteristics that can be utilized across various organizations. Having the ability and opportunity to track the performance of non-negotiable characteristics and gather stories, research, and analytics for how non-negotiable traits can develop curating new content for research and development—being able to have greater accountability for living out the various non-negotiables for living our core values through systematic accountability and strategies to improve holistically.

           Professional Development for Change Initiatives (Change Agent). Furthermore, I have recognized a lack of training or professional development on change initiatives. My goal is to create a curriculum for interpersonal and organizational change development that leads to action in the workplace. Utilizing Kotter’s Change Steps will enable professionals in organizations to have a clear process for developing change initiatives. Research change processes in movies, books, and articles for continual learning is a great start for developing that training and professional development.

           Developing Ethical Awareness (Principled Decision Maker). As I continue to develop as a leader, one of my goals is to be committed to writing down challenges and areas of recent vulnerability as a starting point to running through Newton’s (2013) process of ADAPT and DISORDER every month for greater ethical self-awareness. Having a clear understanding of ethical decision-making processes for both micro and macro situations through the ADAPT and DISORDER processes can help identify challenges and vulnerable scenarios with clear opportunities for ethical decision-making. Having a habitual lifestyle of making ethical decisions on a daily basis and especially when there are difficult decisions to be made leads to a lifestyle of living above reproach with clarity that is backed by purpose and intention.

           Stewarding Ideas, Promises, and Prayer Requests (Strategic Mobilizer). Finally, another goal would be creating a personal leadership development process for understanding, recording, and stewarding ideas, promises, and prayer requests. By writing down ideas, promises, and prayer requests, they can be stored and utilized in the future. Creating a process for continual goal setting and strategic achievement can be prioritized for maximum efficiency, productivity, and protection of ideas. Having a clear curriculum and process for developing leaders in managing their ideas, promises, and prayer requests could be beneficial for leaders in all spheres of society. Whether as an admission professional, strengths coach, or leadership consultant, this is just the beginning, and every future goal is on the horizon.


Chittister, J. (2013). Wisdom distilled from the daily: Living the rule of St. Benedict today. Sydney, Australia: HarperCollins Publishers.

Clinton, J. R. (2012). The making of a leader: Recognizing the lessons and stages of leadership development. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.

Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.

Newton, L. (2013). Ethical decision making: Introduction to cases and concepts in ethics. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

State of the American workplace. (2017). Gallup Inc. Retrieved from